Friday, March 2, 2007


In discussing technology and its role in global health, I'm torn between feeling the need to solve the problems in the most simple and tradiational way or introducing innovations that can potentially solve problems better and faster. In the 21st century as we know it, technology has become an everyday part of our lives. Children know how to work computers better than their parents (at least my brother does). Introducing or encouraging technology to meet the needs of those that need it the most. I'm still skeptical about it, but I guess I should think about it a bit further.
Maybe one of the reasons that there are still infectious diseases and people living without water, electricity, proper and adequate sanitation is because it is a heavy burden and very difficult for the world to take care of. By simplifying the way to reach out, maybe more people can be helped. So that if the people of Angola were provided with food that contains necessary vitamins, like Vitamin C, then less people have the chance of suffering from scurvy and therefore resources can be allocated to other needs. But since poverty has not been eradicated, then how would innovation and technology enhance distribution of resources. I guess distribution methods can be made simpler by technology. Hmm, I guess I have a lot more to learn about this.


Marina said...

Gracie, Interesting pont. I always ask similar things. But maybe we can adress both issues at the same time.
But its certantly try, teh gap between undevelop and develop countries sometimes seems to get biber and biger.

Liyan said...

Grcaci hun of course by improvement of technology the distribution method of supplement will be easier but as Marina has mentioned in her respond, we have to close the GAP between the developed and underdeveloped countries. I believe that will be a big help in allocation of Technology !

Alexis said...

I think this is probably one key issue as we move ahead... keeping abreast with technology but doing so in an cost effective manner.

Alexis said...

I think this is probably one key issue as we move ahead... keeping abreast with technology but doing so in an cost effective manner.