Sunday, April 15, 2007

Healthcare financing and global health

Money makes the world go round, it has been said... Global health holds no exception. The amount of money circulating around the world is not endless and has to be maximized to yield the best results. It's been suggested many times that simply giving all the poor people of the world money will not solve the problem of poverty. In the same way, just by having a lot of money in a system doesn't mean that the citizen's will have the most optimal health. It's all about management. The U.S. has proved over the years this theory as it spends the most on healthcare, but does not have the healthiest people. Japan which has been ranked really high up (I think #1, but hmmm) does not invest as much money into their system but produces much more results. In her attempt to reform, the U.S. must figure out the distribution of money in the health care system to allow for everyone to have equal access to health care. The use of private v. public funds allows for a good collaboration, as the private industry is primarily for profit and the public is supposed to hold the interest of the citizens. Money does make the world go round, but until it is evenly distributed, the world will not look the same for everybody.

1 comment:

Marina said...

I loved your blog and particualary the pictures.

How imprtant is to try to make things be at least a little bit more equitatives. As public health profesionals equity is something that we need to persue always. (or at least try to).